An update, rays of hope, and a request to get this over the finish line.

Good morning!

Here's an update, deep gratitude for those who've stepped in with help big and small, and a request for urgent assistance.

I'll get right to the updates. If you're totally lost, the tl;dr is we have back rent to clear, pretty much NOW. I've got the basic outlines of what that is and how it impacts us below.

Please share this post by forwarding to someone you know will care!


  • One generous community member has extended us a zero-interest loan that will entirely cover May's rent and over 15% of the back-due rent (once we have that check in hand).
  • AfterDark Events has generously donated, and they are offering free party tickets to community members who are in a position to donate generously. You may see Diablo's full FetLife post here. To get free party tickets for AfterDark events, donate $75 or more via our Venmo by noon Friday, April 29th. There is also a 10-party ticket pack for one person who donates at least $500. Please thank these community gems when you next see them.
  • Many of you have given in ways big and small.
  • So far, we're about halfway there.

Help us close the gap!

A few ways to help, ordered by how quickly they make a difference.

Random generous contributions

These will go to the scholarship fund if not otherwise earmarked.

These help immediately and will qualify you for the AfterDark free tickets in amouts of $75+


These help us with funds in hand the next day

Pay it forward links via our site

These will arrive to us next week - helpful but slow!

Buy yourself a little something!

It would be enormously helpful to just have regular cash flow. Your purchases at make a difference to us long term. Or literally just come into the store this week and get coffee and a book. We would MUCH rather see your faces using the space than just ask for help like this.

Get tickets for May Fair

May Fair was always designed as a fundraiser to help close the gap, but now it's urgent. You may buy your tickets for Saturday's fair here, and we can celebrate our latest survival!

A quick recap (if you're feeling lost)

Our landlord has been very kind and flexible with us throughout the crisis, but we are still behind on getting our pandemic (and Delta, and Omicron) gap caught up on the Wicked Grounds cafe & Annex space.

Our landlord's situation got less flexible, so our repayment of the remaining back rent got less flexible, too. We are about six weeks behind on the cafe, and four weeks behind on the Annex. (We've already consolidated the two Annex spaces, so that helps considerably.) In total, we're about $8800 behind, with next month nipping at our heels in a few days.

This is daunting, but not undoable. If every person here was able to throw $5 in the coffers, that would close the gap with plenty of breathing room. (It almost never happens that way, but I'd like to put the problem in perspective. It is real, and it is scary. But it is not insurmountable.)

THANK YOU for listening, and thank you for helping us weather these weird times.


Mir and the Wicked Grounds team

Wicked Musings

We are a queer-centered educational and community building space for sex-positive adult education, including relationships, dating, BDSM, kinky, polyamory and more. Posts mostly written by Mir (that dude in the chair) on behalf of the Wicked Grounds team. Welcome aboard!

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