Help Wicked Grounds pull off a big WIN!

Hi, I'm Mir and I'm the owner of Wicked Grounds.

Some of you know that we've gone through an enormous saga trying to pull our way back out of debt incurred from keeping our old cafe & boutique open much longer than we should have post-pandemic. In the process, we incurred well over $80k in gnarly high-interest debt.

Cut to the chase; take me to the fundraising.

In late June 2023, we pivoted to lean into our role as a leader in kink education. We offer dozens of classes, playshops, and discussion groups every month. We help other kink educators get their word out. We offer multi-week workshops and individual consulting. And we try to improve the lives of kinksters, other venues, and kink communities everywhere. We've done all that while doing everything in our power to pay off that old cafe debt, that keeps chasing us around. (Some of you already know I've taken a side job and I do not personally take any payments from the business. That will continue until this is all solved.)

With community help, we've accomplished a lot. Last January, many of you stepped between us and a particularly bad-faith creditor and said "no." We pulled off something amazing.

I've just made an audacious offer to our current biggest creditor. I've asked for a 75% reduction in the remaining debt with them if we can just get this settled this month. Once they're off our backs, we can turn our attention to getting our patient community creditors caught up, putting our funds firmly back in the community.

If we can demonstrate community support, I've asked this creditor to accept $9K to settle a $36K debt. The problem, of course, is that we don't have $9K sitting around. That's where you come in.

If you're as tired as we are of the negative impact this has had on the community, and you'd like to help us retire it for good, I'd love your help to get this bad boy paid off.

Full disclosure: I cannot 100% guarantee these folks will accept this offer. If they don't, I'll keep negotiating for the best deal we can get. For now, I'm setting our goal at $12k for a slight cushion. Every penny we raise will go directly toward reducing our debt, in one form or another.

Will you help us get this off our backs, so we can get back to being on our backs? Every bit helps.



Wicked Musings

We are a queer-centered educational and community building space for sex-positive adult education, including relationships, dating, BDSM, kinky, polyamory and more. Posts mostly written by Mir (that dude in the chair) on behalf of the Wicked Grounds team. Welcome aboard!

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