This week with Wicked Grounds (8/15 - 8/25)

Howdy kinksters -

I feel very blessed to be on this kink journey with you. Whether it's teaching, amplifying the voices of other educators, facilitating intensives, or offering one-on-one coaching, I learn so much about myself by doing this work.

For several years now, we've offered scholarship seats to our classes with no questions asked. Many of our Patreon members have signed up at a level that automatically boosts our scholarship fund each month; other folks have generously contributed in other ways.

It's my birthday tomorrow. The best present you could give me is paying it forward to students we haven't met yet, by keeping our scholarship fund well-resourced for the next few months.

You can contribute through our website. Or, use our Venmo for one-time donations. Just note that they're for the scholarship fund!

Now, let's look at what next week has in store!

Events Roundup!

Thursday, August 15

If you want to be mindful about how to address the trauma that kink can unearth, join us tonight for the first of a two-part series on Kink and Trauma with BearJew aka Ev Evnen. Advance ticketing required for the full two-part series to attend. Get yours via Forbidden Tickets or Plura.

Friday, August 16

No classes scheduled tonight. If you'd like to give Mir the best ever present for their birthday, consider donating to the Wicked Grounds scholarship fund to keep our classes accessible for kinksters without means to attend on their own. You can contribute through our website. Or, use our Venmo for one-time donations. Just note that they're for the scholarship fund!

Sunday, August 18th

We have two in-person classes for San Francisco folks today, both at the Folsom Street Community Center.

At noon, please join Jamie Joy for a special rope class Let’s Get Knotty! You'll learn all the basics of having fun with rope bondage. Get your tickets through Forbidden Tickets or Plura.

Then at 3pm, we offer Leading and Following: Non-verbal Communication for D/s with Alexandria. This embodied, movement-based class will deepen your D/s bonds and scenes in profound ways. Get your tickets through Forbidden Tickets or Plura.

Monday, August 19th

Join us online at 6pm for an important discussion on Disability, Chronic Pain, and BDSM with Nyx Lunaea. Tickets available through Forbidden Tickets or Plura.

Tuesday, August 20th

If you're in the SF Bay Area, join us at 6:30 pm for one of my favorite classes. If you've ever been stuck wondering how to develop headspace, stay in headspace, or figure out what to say in a scene, join Psychokitty Ryan for Improv for Kinksters. Psychokitty brings a lifetime of improv training to the dungeon, helping you figure out how to stay in character during your scenes while staying connected. Fun stuff! Get your tickets via Forbidden Tickets or Plura.

Wednesday, August 21st

Tonight is our third part of Self-Care as Spiritual Practice with H G Wyndell. Class registration is closed to those who've attended the previous two sessions.

Thursday, August 22nd

Dating can be frustrating, but it doesn't have to be! Join sex therapist and educator Lilith Foxx for "Kinktuitive" Dating tonight at 6pm Pacific to learn a different approach! Get your tickets through Forbidden Tickets or Plura.

Friday, August 23rd

No classes today, but check out our pre-recorded classes at Wicked Grounds Annex

Saturday, August 24th

Join us at 11am Pacific for The More the Merrier: Group Sex 101 with Jamie Joy. Whether you're curious about group play or want ways to make it even more fun, join us! Get your tickets via Forbidden Tickets or Plura.

Want to change how you approach S/m? Join us at 2pm Pacific for Make Me a Masochist: Changing Your Relationship With Pain with vahavta. Get tickets via Forbidden Tickets or Plura.

Sunday, August 25th

If you're in San Francisco, join us for The Heart of Dominance Daylong Intensive with author and educator Anton Fulmen. This is a full day of instruction, that gets to the heart of what it takes to be great at consensual dominance. Get your tickets via Forbidden Tickets or Plura.

Support. Follow. Share.

  • Join our Patreon for personal benefits and to stabilize our long-term trajectory. Annual memberships now available!
  • Use our Venmo for one-time donations toward our sustainability, and to help specifically with scholarship tickets.
  • Book with us for coaching and consulting time with Mir.

Mir & The Wicked Grounds Team

(Do you find this weekly roundup helpful? If this newsletter has saved you time, or given you a great idea, feel free to leave a little something in our tip jar)

Wicked Musings

We are a queer-centered educational and community building space for sex-positive adult education, including relationships, dating, BDSM, kinky, polyamory and more. Posts mostly written by Mir (that dude in the chair) on behalf of the Wicked Grounds team. Welcome aboard!

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