What does it mean to step into our own possibility? Join us today for the next session of Diving Deep!

Today I loaded the first week of content for our six-week intensive, Diving Deep.

I believe very strongly that we are constantly changing and evolving. It doesn't matter if you've been in the kink world for dozens of years or the two weeks since Folsom Street Fair: there is always room to grow, explore, and evolve. There is always room to dive deeper into the kind of self-knowledge that kink provides.

Those who sign up today will get both the last day of regular pricing, and immediate access to the course material. So, I wanted to take a few moments to answer questions you might have about joining us.

Am I too new to kink?

Not at all. This is the course I wish I'd had at the very beginning of my journey.

Am I too experienced in kink?

Not at all. This is the work I continue to do regularly to stay fresh as a player, partner, instructor, and event host.

What will we do?

Each week you'll have short lessons and writing exercises. You'll have some self-directed field trips that you can complete during the six-week course or save for later exploration. We'll have two live group sessions as well as one or more individual consults.

Is there a lot of homework?

Well . . . yes. Some people will want to dive in and do this work in big gulps. Others will want to save the work to do in more than six weeks. It's truly up to you how you pace this.

What do we do in the individual consults?

Honestly, whatever you want. We'll meet via Zoom for thirty minutes and you can ask me anything that's on your mind about the work we're doing and the world of kink in general.

Oh, awesome. I definitely want all four consults!

I'd love that, but please book soon. I'll allow late registration this coming week, but we'll be adding a late registration fee due to the additional costs of adding students to the course once we've launched.

What are the key dates?

  • The first week's content has already been posted, and we'll have new content dropping weekly thereafter.
  • We have two live sessions (which will be recorded)
    • Sunday, March 25th, 4 pm Pacific/ 7 pm Eastern
    • Saturday, March 23rd, 4 pm Pacific/ 7 pm Eastern.
  • We'll wrap up all content and replies by Sat, March 30th.

What if I can't make those dates?

No worries! Your purchase will give you continued access to all content for as long as you want. Complete at your own pace, or revisit your work from time to time. It's all up to you.

What if I need help with a payment plan?

First of all, if you are a current Wicked Grounds VIP or have taken this class before, be sure to go back through your emails -- you should already have a discount code to apply to this workshop.

If you are sincerely interested but need a scholarship to make it happen, just reply to this email and ask. But please don't wait -- this class is on track to sell out soon.

Wicked Musings

We are a queer-centered educational and community building space for sex-positive adult education, including relationships, dating, BDSM, kinky, polyamory and more. Posts mostly written by Mir (that dude in the chair) on behalf of the Wicked Grounds team. Welcome aboard!

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