Why explore private classes or coaching? Here are a few things I've heard lately.

I've had a big increase in questions about how and why to book coaching sessions, and I wanted to take a moment to give you information about this valuable service from Wicked Grounds.

Why might you want to book time for a consult or coaching session? Here are a few recent questions I've fielded:

  • I'm new to this and don't feel ready to attend classes yet.
  • I've attended multiple classes, yet there are some specialized topics I've never seen covered in a session.
  • I've had a consent collision. Help me avoid doing this again!
  • Although I'm an experienced player, I'm trying a new role or method. Please help me skip the introduction and get right to the point!
  • My partner and I are juggling conflicting desires. Help us find some common ground.
  • I want to book a small kink class for a bachelorette party! (That was so fun!!!)
  • I want to start a kink-centered business. What should I consider, and what pitfalls should I avoid?

Wicked Grounds can usually answer your questions, whatever is on your mind about kink.

Sessions can be for individual mind-picking, for couples, or for small groups. Just treat this as your own, private one-hour class on the kink topic of your choice, which can be offered at Wicked Grounds Annex or via Zoom from anywhere.

We'll ask for your questions in advance to prepare. If the question isn't in our wheelhouse, we'll help you find a better fit to get your needs met. Things you can ask Mir's brain about that are right in our wheelhouse:

  • Negotiation & consent
  • Navigating the local kink scene or specific subcultures
  • Dating while kinky
  • Uncovering your kink desires
  • Kink relationship advice
  • The intersection of kink & magick
  • Basic "how-to" of impact play (spanking, paddling, caning)
  • Consulting for your kinky business ideas
  • Marketing for your existing kink/ queer business

I'd love to hear from you!

Cheers -

Mir & the Wicked Grounds team

Wicked Musings

We are a queer-centered educational and community building space for sex-positive adult education, including relationships, dating, BDSM, kinky, polyamory and more. Posts mostly written by Mir (that dude in the chair) on behalf of the Wicked Grounds team. Welcome aboard!

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