Wicked Grounds News & Events (2/15 - 2/25/24)

Hello Kinksters -

Our latest six-week intensive of Diving Deep: Discovering & Voicing Erotic Desires begins on Saturday, Feb 17th. It's not too late to join us! Get your spot for this six-week workshop here.

I'm delighted to announce that Wicked Grounds has released our latest video class for digital download. Private Joy is an exploration of sadomasochistic play for solo kinksters and folks in long-distance relationships. Get your copy of this new online class here.

And a reminder for polyamorous and non-monogamous folks: Feb. 28th is Metamour Day! Get a pack of these cute Metamour Postcards from Bloom Community to send to your metas or any poly folks in your life who would appreciate them! All of the proceeds go to non-monogamy advocacy (for OPEN-love.org) and you can use the code WICKED for 20% off! #MetamourDay2024

Finally, a reminder that our journey toward financial sustainability is a marathon, not a sprint. We truly appreciate the emergency help many of you extended last month, but we've got a long road ahead to finish paying off all the cafe debt. If you can this week, please make a one-time contribution to help Wicked Grounds retire this debt for good. Please do so here!

Read on for an update on this week's events!

Memberships keep Wicked Grounds going. Join our Patreon VIP program for excellent benefits, from free and discounted classes to discounts and free shipping on gear all year round! Annual memberships now available!

Events Roundup!

Thursday, February 15

Stretching our limits is a great way to have more fun, stay creative, and get into the flow states kinksters crave. While it's important to know how gentle we can make electro play for newcomers, we also need ways to consensually push advanced players -- ourselves or our partners -- to greater depth. Join Carmen PanDiego online at 6pm Pacific for Taking Electro Play to Your Limits and learn to safely keep electro play stimulating and exciting. Details & ticketing here.

Saturday, February 17

Judging by the historically white face of the polyamorous community you would assume only those people partake in plural relationships - but that isn't the case. With over 18+ years as a poly-practicing Woman of Color, d20domme will use The POC Polyamorist to explore and touch on why BIPOC are not represented well in the poly world, how to unlearn mono-minded bonds keeping you from romantic freedom, safety tips to approach consensual non-monogamy as a BIPOC, and where to start setting your sights on multi-partner dynamics. Join us online at 11am Pacific. Details & ticketing here.

Also today, we launch the next cohort of our six-week intensive Diving Deep: Discovering & Voicing Your Erotic Desires with Miriam Green. This class will help you confront and challenge shame, people-pleasing, and other internal and cultural barriers that get between us and claiming our desire. This course includes two live sessions, six weeks of self-directed weekly content, and one or more individual coaching sessions. Details & ticketing here.

Sunday, February 18

Kinksters of middle age and beyond start to face some questions that younger kinksters haven't yet had to grapple with. Whether you've been practicing BDSM for decades, or are just finding your path as a kinkster later in life, you probably have distinct questions & needs that just aren't addressed in general BDSM classes. Miriam Green has you covered in Cellaring: Refining Your Skills as an Older Kinkster. Join us at 2pm Pacific either in downtown San Francisco or online. Details & ticketing here.

Monday, February 19

Negotiation for BDSM is a core skill, but it doesn't always come easy. Learn how to figure out what you want, how to talk about it, and how to keep communication going before, during and after your BDSM scenes in Kink 101: BDSM Negotiation Basics w/ Miriam Green. Advance ticketing required for this online class at 6pm PST. Get yours here.

Tuesday, February 20

I don't like to play favorites, but Improv for Naughty Play with PsychoKitty Ryan is honestly one of my favorite classes. Over the years, I've heard some of the most interesting ideas for interactive role-play scenes emerge from this class, which teaches you how to use "yes, and" and other techniques from improvisational theater to think on your feet to co-create fun, engaging and consent-forward scenes. This in-person class will start at 6:30pm at the Folsom Street Community Center. Please get advance tickets now so we know that you're coming!

Wednesday, February 21

We don't have any live classes today, but why not check out Private Joy -- Miriam Green's exploration of sadomasochistic play for solo kinksters and folks in long-distance relationships. Get your copy of this new online class here.

Saturday, February 24

Join us in San Francisco for the return of Caning: From Sensual to Sadistic with Miriam Green and impossiblepain. (This was the last class Wicked Grounds offered before lockdown in 2020, and we haven't had it since!) In this fun, interactive class you'll learn all about caning: how to select your tools, what they feel like, how to construct a scene, and all the basic techniques around how to wield these unique impact toys. Join us at the Folsom Street Community Center at 2pm PDT. Advance ticketing strongly encouraged. Get yours here!

Sunday, February 25

Join us online at 11am PDT for Autism & Kink with UK kink instructor John Pendal. If you're neurodivergent, love someone who is, or just want to create better and more inclusive kink spaces for neurotypical and neurospicy folks alike, please join us for this online class. Details & ticketing here.

Erotic hypnosis offers tools for a wide variety of BDSM styles. Join **Hypnostory and Pandapet ** at 2pm PDT to learn all about them in Erotic Hypnosis: Fun Games and Dirty Tricks. Advance ticketing required. Get yours here!

Ongoing or upcoming events

Support. Follow. Share.

  • We could really use your help with our fundraiser to retire the old cafe debt. Learn more and contribute here.
  • Want to invest in your kink education? Join our new class pass program here!
  • Join our Patreon for personal benefits and to stabilize our long-term trajectory. Annual memberships now available!
  • Use our Venmo for one-time donations toward our sustainability, and to help specifically with scholarship tickets.
  • Follow us on Bloom - the social app by sex positive folks for sex positive folks.
  • Book with us for coaching and consulting time with Mir or to explore our new multi session courses!

Mir & The Wicked Grounds Team

(Do you find this weekly roundup helpful? If this newsletter has saved you time, or given you a great idea, feel free to leave a little something in our tip jar)

Wicked Musings

We are a queer-centered educational and community building space for sex-positive adult education, including relationships, dating, BDSM, kinky, polyamory and more. Posts mostly written by Mir (that dude in the chair) on behalf of the Wicked Grounds team. Welcome aboard!

Read more from Wicked Musings

Howdy kinksters - It's nearly the end of July. Where does the time go?! If you're interested in more substantive musings about kink education and culture, I'm in the process of finally launching a personal substack. It's going to be 100% about issues, ideas and culture, and 0% about Wicked Grounds. (Ok, maybe 0.5%.) If you're interested in seeing what I get up to over there, you can find out more and subscribe here. This Sunday is Up Your Alley in San Francisco, and many of San Francisco's...

Howdy kinksters - Leather season is upon us! The last Sunday of the month is Up Your Alley in San Francisco, and many of San Francisco's Leatherati will be out on the SOMA streets making it happen. We won't personally have a booth this year, but several of our favorite vendors will be there. If you're looking for two of them right in one place, you can find the Rough Cut Leather pop-up booth right with our friends at ByrdBeaks. If you're looking for Rough Cut Leather and other Wicked Grounds...

Howdy kinksters - In this line of work, I'm continually blessed to talk with people who take risks and engage in deep, meaningful self-exploration and play. Our first queer-centered intensive has just concluded. The thoughtfulness, vulnerability, and strength of our participants have left me in awe. I had a similar experience guest-hosting SpankLab last week. We had a large group of brand-new players; it was so cool seeing the transition from hesitant newcomer to satisfied player in two...